
The Room of Pink

Eva’s room has been a work in progress her whole life. Just once I’d like to have a room all ready when a baby is born.

But the journey is half the fun, right? So, here is some progress on her cutesy little room. I am in love with it!

We bought a shelf the other day, and some cute little canvas tubs at Walmart. Before, there was nothing in her room but a dresser (which was full), so the “stuff” in her room was just everywhere in the floor. As you can see from the picture, there is still some stuff on the floor. We’re saving that mattress until we get a little bed for her. She still sleeps in the pack-n-play. Those are poms made from tissue paper. I made them for her first birthday party, and they turned out so cute! And I finally made her valance from the fabric Mom bought when I was expecting.


These are some little flashcards I got free in the mail when I was expecting Eva. They are so cute, and go with her colors. We added the ribbon, and voila! Animal cuteness!



Next: We wanted to make her a tiny platform bed for thh toddler-sized mattress. And she needs a rug and closet doors. 🙂

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Woolzies Dryer Balls and a Giveaway!

I recently participated in a trial and review of Woolzies Dryer balls, so let me tell you about them!

DSCN4455 DSCN4456

A few of their claims:

  • Reduces Dryer Time – This was not the case for me. It seems about the same. However, if you have more balls, they claim it works better. Since my trial package only had 6 balls, I don’t think it did justice for a large load of towels! More balls would have helped.
  • Safe for the environment – How can I measure that? It was nice that I was reducing waste in my own house, and not having to buy fabric softener. Also, Woolzies are supposed to be safer. If you use other dryer balls (like rubber), they may not be safe at high temperatures, and may put chemicals into your clothing. Woolzies are chemical-free.
  • Last for 1,000 loads – I have been using them for 2 months (about 8 loads per week), and they are still in great shape!
  • Reduces static cling – they work just as well as other fabric softeners in this area.
  • Softens – this really is true! My clothes come out just as soft as when I use liquid, or dryer sheets.

So, is it worth it? On their website, one 6-ball package sells for $34.95. They offer free shipping. You can find them a little cheaper on other sites, like Amazon. I am enjoying them, but would have a hard time paying that. But if you are the environmentally-conscious/green type of person, these are definitely for you!

Want to win a free pack, shipped to your door? Just leave a comment below. I will choose a winner Monday at 2pm, so get in on it! 🙂


And the winner is… Neita Nicely! 🙂 Congratulations, Neita!

Categories: Housekeeping | Tags: , , , | 24 Comments

5 Days to a Clutter-Free House by Sandra Felton & Marsha Sims


This book is a winner! It is so motivational in helping you see that living clutter-free is for you! It gets rid of your excuses to hold onto things “just in case,” or “because I might need it someday.” It takes you from start to finish in making your home function smoothly, and be much more beautiful!

Part One

This method uses a team approach of getting rid of the junk. Recruit team members to come and spend 5 days de-cluttering your house. Use handy boxes that stack easily and are easy on the eye, and only YOU make the decisions on what to keep or throw away. And there are handy tips on who to ask for help, and how to make a game plan everyone can follow.

One thing I love is the “Chuck it or Chunk it” method! If you definitely cannot throw it away, store in chunks. Chunk together items that are alike. Then you will always be able to find it.

Part Two

The second half of this book is on maintining once you do the 5-day clear-out! It has great tips on staying organized. The most practical tip is “Stow as you go.” It should go without saying, but if you put it back right away, the house won’t get piled and leave you feeling hopeless! Another great “rule” is the “30-Second Rule.” If it only takes 30 seconds or less, just do it! Hang the coat on the peg instead of dropping it on the chair. Put your shoes in the closet instead of beside it! Just do it!

This book is extremely helpful. I highly recommend it, and plan on executing much of the plan it outlines!

Available February 2013 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.

I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

Categories: 50 Books in a Year, Book reviews, Housekeeping | Tags: , , , , , | Leave a comment

Water Bottle Woes

Do you drink bottled water? We do at my house… like crazy!

The problem is that they all look alike. We end up with seven bottles in the kitchen, one in the kitchen and a few in each bedroom. Madness! Which water is fresh? Which one is mine?

Then add sickness to the mess. I don’t want to drink after a runny-nosed toddler. Ewww.

Enter giant animal balloons!


We had a bag of these balloons on the shelf. We actually use them like giant rubber bands to keep our cabinets closed (an Eva deterrent). So, I thought, “Pop them on the water bottle!”

You may think, “Oh how silly! I can’t believe she is blogging about this!”

But it made a big difference at our house. Now I know if it has a pink band on it, it’s mine. And everybody else knows it’s not theirs. I actually finish a bottle before I get another one, so it wastes less.

I know they make cute little bands for sippy cups and stuff. But who wants to spend money when they can use balloons they already have? Haha! 🙂 You could also use colored rubber bands. OR you can braid a few balloons together to make it fancier.

Just wanted to share my aha! moment with you!

Happy Ballooning!


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A Little Order, Please

I finally got around to some labeling in the boys’ room. They have a giant shelf, FULL of stuffed animals, books, and toys. I have a few sets of baskets and bins. So I finally decided to label them. My hope is that they will be able to pick up better if they can see what goes inside {Ha! Lofty goal!}.

I just put together a simple Publisher design. Printed off two of each onto plain white paper. Taped each “set” back-to-back, laminated, punched a hole, and tied them on with some cotton crochet thread. I think they’re pretty cute!

I feel better about a little order. Here they are:


Categories: For Fun, Housekeeping, Thrifty | Tags: , , | 1 Comment

Sermon in the Sink

As I was washing dishes… again… I thought of how often I wash dishes. Not a day goes by that dishes don’t need to be washed. Now, days go by when I don’t wash them, but I could wash at least 1 dish every day! Most days, it’s a couple sink loads!

They are dirty. The forks, the spoons, the plates and bowls. They get used. They serve and hold. If they are not washed, they can’t be used again…ewww…

You know, I got to thinking with my hands in those suds. We are like dishes. We are used daily for different tasks for our Master. We hold and serve. We have many jobs. But if we are not clean, we cannot be used effectively. I mean, you could eat with a dirty fork, but it wouldn’t be sanitary (umm… YUCK!). Can I serve the Lord if I am dirty? Not effectively. I would leave a bad taste in someone’s mouth!

How thankful I am that my Master puts me in that sudsy bath and gets rid of all my impurities. He gets rid of the crusted-on meals, the chocolate milk, and everything that is keeping me from being clean, and being used. It’s usually not comfortable getting in that hot water, but it’s necessary.

Next time God is “washing me,” (without complaining, I might add) may I remember the sermon He taught me at the sink!

Categories: Housekeeping, What I'm Learning | Tags: , , , , , | 1 Comment

De-Clutter, Please!

I love my house! I mean, I LOVE it! It is so cute and meets our needs perfectly. I love the hardwood floors. I love the layout. I love my black and white bathroom. I love that we fixed it up ourselves… and it’s ours.

One thing our cute little house does not have is great storage. There are a few closets, but they need work. Our bedroom closets only have one rod, and it’s not even at a great height. I need closet systems, and new doors. However, we make the best of it and try to cut the clutter.

In the kitchen I have a few pieces to use for storage, a buffet, and a small 12- or 14-inch cabinet. I love these pieces and we’ve had them since we got married. But they get cluttered! This Spring, I’ve been trying to de-clutter a small area at a time so I tackled my buffet earlier this week.


Seriously cluttered. Jelly beans from last Easter, cereal boxes with about 1 inch of cereal left, empty oatmeal cans (I guess I was thinking crafts?) Ahh! I finally got to it, and threw away about a trash bag of stuff! Whoa.


Ahh…. peace and harmony, and a useful space, and food that is not expired… and a baby foot. 🙂 I feel better.

Now, I need to do under my bathroom sink! (And our closets, and under our dressers, and… nevermind!)

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Perfect Porch Mornings

We just got our porch cleaned up. It was piled for winter and has been in need of paint since we moved in almost two years ago. So, we finally got to it this beautiful week in March. The results make me happy!

The porch before, grey, peeling paint…
The swing Jamin built me last year. He did a great job, with no pattern or plan. We used it all last year, but it needed sprucing up! 🙂
After! Ta-da, as Timothy loves to say! 🙂 It looks SO pretty, and I used saved up piano lesson money to buy these cushions last night. I love the finished product!
So, this morning, a few essentials to my perfect porch morning. A Bible and a KindleFire:

Fresh-from-the-oven Apple Cinnamon Muffins

A cute boy in monkey pajamas and mud boots:

And an adorable boy with sleepy eyes and a spider hat

The simple pleasures of life really are the best. We all voted to have perfect porch mornings more often! 🙂

Categories: For Fun, Housekeeping | Tags: , , , , , | 1 Comment

A Different Saying

“A place for everything and everything in its place.”


“A place for everything is a place it can survive.”

“If my pottery can survive in the china cabinet…

…so *should* my sunglasses!”
Categories: For Fun, Housekeeping | Tags: , , , , | Leave a comment


From my kitchen to yours:

Chicken and Dumplings… *drum roll*

Start with Mother-in-law’s ready-made turkey soup, fresh out of the can.

Get a couple mixers to make the dumplings. Stir, stir. (Any impurities coming from little stirers’ hands will be disinfected in the boiling liquid!)
Boil those dumplins!
Lunch and memories ready-made!
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