For Fun

A Little Order, Please

I finally got around to some labeling in the boys’ room. They have a giant shelf, FULL of stuffed animals, books, and toys. I have a few sets of baskets and bins. So I finally decided to label them. My hope is that they will be able to pick up better if they can see what goes inside {Ha! Lofty goal!}.

I just put together a simple Publisher design. Printed off two of each onto plain white paper. Taped each “set” back-to-back, laminated, punched a hole, and tied them on with some cotton crochet thread. I think they’re pretty cute!

I feel better about a little order. Here they are:


Categories: For Fun, Housekeeping, Thrifty | Tags: , , | 1 Comment

Giveaway Winner!

Thank you all for entering in the drawing for this great book, Twelve Unlikely Heroes.

The winner is….

Jessie Lowry!

So happy you won Jessie! I will email you for your mailing address.

For those of you who didn’t win, or who entered past the deadline, stay tuned, I will be giving away several books over the next few months.

Have a Blessed Day!

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My last post was #300! So hard to believe! I have had this blog almost 6 years now. So, as promised, I am doing a giveaway!

I have decided to give away my latest read: Twelve Unlikely Heroes by John MacArthur. Click here to see the book on Amazon. Click here to read my review.

If this book sounds like one you might enjoy, just leave a comment below before midnight, and I’ll enter you, and mail it to your door! 🙂97557

Categories: For Fun | 9 Comments

Pre-Easter Pictures

I love them with bed heads! I love them with snot! I love them with dirt and grass stains! I love them with jam all over their mouths! I love them with holes in their clothes!
And I love them all dressed up!
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Perfect Porch Mornings

We just got our porch cleaned up. It was piled for winter and has been in need of paint since we moved in almost two years ago. So, we finally got to it this beautiful week in March. The results make me happy!

The porch before, grey, peeling paint…
The swing Jamin built me last year. He did a great job, with no pattern or plan. We used it all last year, but it needed sprucing up! 🙂
After! Ta-da, as Timothy loves to say! 🙂 It looks SO pretty, and I used saved up piano lesson money to buy these cushions last night. I love the finished product!
So, this morning, a few essentials to my perfect porch morning. A Bible and a KindleFire:

Fresh-from-the-oven Apple Cinnamon Muffins

A cute boy in monkey pajamas and mud boots:

And an adorable boy with sleepy eyes and a spider hat

The simple pleasures of life really are the best. We all voted to have perfect porch mornings more often! 🙂

Categories: For Fun, Housekeeping | Tags: , , , , , | 1 Comment


Tomorrow, I will see my friend. My college best friend. We were freshman roomates. We went through SO much together. We stayed close until graduation and still keep in touch! I am so excited to see her!

As I think about how long it has been… 3 1/2 years… I wish I could see her more often. I have had different friends throughout my life. Childhood friends, teen friends, co-worker friends, college friends, and “now” friends. Sometimes I just wish I could blend them all together and glean all the happy moments!

Then there’s family. Our wonderful families that we don’t live close to. Our sisters we can’t go shopping with, our brothers that we can’t play basketball with, our parents we can’t just invite over for supper! I wish we could all be together!

Someday… we will be all together! One grand reunion will take place in Heaven for those of us who are saved! Thankfully, all our family members and close friends are also in the family of God. We will be together for all eternity… someday! 🙂

Categories: For Fun, What I'm Learning | Tags: , , | 1 Comment

Ribbons, and Clips, and Glue! Oh my!

On Pinterest and blogs, I have found some adorable hair bow ideas, so I decided to try a few. I love to doll Eva up! It’s SO fun!

The hair bow tutorial I found was SO easy and simple. I used it to make these bows.

I think this green one is my favorite. I just love the ribbon! It is huge, but I love it!! (and I love the model!)
Some of them are as big as her head! I love it!
Then I also found a great fabric flower tutorial and it is even easier! I have big plans for these shabby flowers!
Blogger would not let me link the shabby flower tutorial, so let me know if you would like the website. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by!
Categories: For Fun, Sewing, Thrifty | Tags: , , , | 1 Comment

Not Enough!

Bows, and ribbons. Flowers. Headbands, hats. We’ve got it all. What we don’t have is…
enough hair!
Well, we tried. Five months is not a sufficient life span to grow enough hair for pig tails!
Categories: Family Events, For Fun | Tags: , , , | 2 Comments

Piece to the Puzzle

Jackson got a floor puzzle for Christmas. He loves it! It is 2×3 feet. He is getting pretty good at putting it together. He needs some occasional help, and generally whines a lot during the process. But he’s getting better!

Jackson turned 4 on December 28! 4! I can’t believe it. He is growing so fast and getting so independent.

  • He’s starting to like drawing and cutting.
  • He can write an “A.”
  • He can unload the dryer.
  • He can put on all his own clothes, the right way. 🙂
  • He can put toothpaste on his own tooth brush.
  • He can quote some Bible verses.

He’s our big boy and we’re thankful for him!

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Sweet Leggings

My Eva girl in sweet leggings. I love her. I just love to dress her up. I love her bows and frills. I love her 23 hours a day! There is that one hour in the middle of the night when “like” is a better word than “love.” But seriously, I know she is growing so fast, and will soon outgrow her night feedings. Pretty soon, she’ll start pulling off her headbands. Pretty soon, she’ll be under my feet when I’m busy.
I’m glad she’s still little.
Categories: Family Events, For Fun, What I'm Learning | Tags: , , , , , | 1 Comment

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