Ribbons, and Clips, and Glue! Oh my!

On Pinterest and blogs, I have found some adorable hair bow ideas, so I decided to try a few. I love to doll Eva up! It’s SO fun!

The hair bow tutorial I found was SO easy and simple. I used it to make these bows.

I think this green one is my favorite. I just love the ribbon! It is huge, but I love it!! (and I love the model!)
Some of them are as big as her head! I love it!
Then I also found a great fabric flower tutorial and it is even easier! I have big plans for these shabby flowers!
Blogger would not let me link the shabby flower tutorial, so let me know if you would like the website. šŸ™‚
Thanks for stopping by!
Categories: For Fun, Sewing, Thrifty | Tags: , , , | 1 Comment

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One thought on “Ribbons, and Clips, and Glue! Oh my!

  1. I do love them! Good job!

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