Posts Tagged With: pride

Accidental Pharisees by Larry Osborne


I was greatly helped and convicted by this book. It talks about the greatest sin, pride, and how it affects even the “best” Christians. The author warns Christians against comparing themselves to others, and “accidentally” believing they are somehow better.

A few points that really stood out to me:

“Most of our most heated disputes are not about matters that, when we get them wrong, will send us to hell. Granted, many are about important things – very important thing s- but it’s a stretch to call them eternal.And that’s why it’s also a stretch to think that God approves when we let our pursuit of theological uniformity escalate to the point that it tears apart his family or closes up the Bible.”

– It’s not up to us to make sure everyone else fits our definition of following Christ.

“‘Hate the sin, but love the sinner.’ It’s usually applied to our relationship with people outside the faith. But it also needs to be applied to our fellow believers…”

– We need to learn to be kind, and practice grace with our fellow believers, instead of judging every little mistake! Does God do that to us? No. He is so merciful, and we are so unworthy.

“Following Jesus is not a race to see who can be the most radical, sacrificial, knowledgeable, or quickest to burn out. It’s not a contest to see who’s willing to take the hardest road.”

– We are all made differently. On purpose. By our Creator. He has given us different gifts, abilities  and desires. He wants us to do different thing. We are all members of one body, but we are different parts. Just because a fellow church member doesn’t share my passion for one area of ministry, does not mean he is a lesser Christian.

I would greatly recommend this book. It’s a very powerful wake-up call to help us truly follow Christ, and not become a Pharisee, accidentally.

I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.


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