Posts Tagged With: prayer life

Praying God’s Word for Your Life by Kathi Lipp


This is a very eye-opening book. I have a few Scripture verses that I pray pretty often, but the concept of praying SO much Scripture is new to me! The opening chapter begins with Kathi being very real about how hard it is to spend time in prayer. She offers great encouragement to just pray… just for one minute. It will grow into time you cherish as you make the time, and be consistent. She offers practical advice, like setting a time, having a specific place, and having “stuff” to get you going (Bible, a good devotional book, a journal, pen, etc.)

The second part of the book is broken down into categories of our lives – different problems and issues we face. She begins a chapter with a very real experience from her life, or a story from someone else’s life. Then she gives many examples of Scriptures and example prayers to pray from those verses. Some example categories are : 1. When You’re Overwhelmed, 2. Your Marriage, and 3. When You’re Despairing. This will be a great resource in the years to come when I am needing strength in a certain area. She has done a lot of work, having several Scripture passages for each subject.

This is a great resource for anyone who wants to grow in the area of prayer!

I received the book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

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